Australia is a democracy, in which all eligible citizens are required to vote. But why are we making things compulsory?
Elections are compulsory because they give citizens a say in who their nation’s leaders will be. In a democracy, voting is compulsory. This has long been considered a cornerstone of freedom, liberty, justice and good governance. Voting is compulsory in Australia. It’s a legal requirement for Australian citizens over the age of 18 years. Whether you’re a political scientist or just reading up on your country’s recent election, this paper will explain the history of compulsory voting and its impact on democracy. In democracies, voters are legally obligated to vote in elections or attend a polling place on voting day.

Do you ever wonder why we still need to vote in a democratic society? Political parties have traditionally opposed compulsory voting as a policy, arguing that it is contrary to democratic values. If a government cannot convince voters to support them, they argue, then the government does not deserve to be in power.
Democracy, and the right to vote, are a cornerstone of Australian society.
Voting is important as elections give people the chance to choose their political representatives and also shape the direction of their nation. Voting also provides a means for people to voice their concerns, issues and challenges through the candidates they select. In effect, voting is a way of participating in the political process. The idea that there is a “right way” to do things may be in place, but don’t let anyone stop you.